samedi 5 juillet 2014

Display a message box when vlookup returns or does not return a match

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I am trying to display a message box* indicating when a vlookup formula matches a name in array and when it does not.

With the below data, my current code works fine:

Name Name
John John

It returns the following message box: "Ok"

Sub check_name()
Dim name As String
name = Range("A2")

If Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Range("A2"), Range("B1:B2"), 1, False) = name Then
MsgBox "Ok"
MsgBox "Not Ok"

End If
End Sub

But the code does not work when there is not match.

With the below data, I'm trying to display: "Not Ok".

Name Name
John Wayne

I get the following message:

Run-time error '1004'

Application-defined or object-defined error

I guess the If statement does not work when the vlookup does not return a match, i.e, if it throws an error like #N/A.

I've tried to define the variable name as Boolean. making it equal the vlookup formula wrapped with IsNA, and then I tried to use 'name' inside an If statement, but I got the same pattern of results presented above.

How I can get through this? Tks.

* Looking for answers using VBA

asked 40 secs ago

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