samedi 5 juillet 2014

How to commit files from a local folder named differently in the remote folder?

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Everyone that use Firefox have a profile folder (it has a random name, like r2hy5dsu.default).

If Greasemonkey is installed, then a folder named gm_scripts is created into that folder.

The profile folder contains a LOT of other files and folders, but the only important to me right now is gm_scripts.

So, I would like to create a repository named X (different of r2hy5dsu.default) that contains a folder named Y (different of gm_scripts) that holds the content of the latter, but I don't know if this is even possible.

My question is: Is that possible? If so, how can I accomplish this?

All that I found so far was how to create a repository named differently of your local folder, but nothing about the second part.

Thanks in advance

This question was first deleted without any reason, so I tried undelete it but without success. Then I flagged it to make moderators intervene and undelete it because I still need that answer, declined again. I don't know any other way of getting moderators' attention to my original question but flagging it. If there is any, please let me know. So, I created a copy of the original question in the hope of having it answered (or rejected with a REASON) Yes, the history explained above is important because I don't want it to happen again, not without any reasonable reason!

In short, if you need more details to answer my question, please tell me so before -1 or flagging/deleting it.

asked 16 secs ago



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