mardi 1 juillet 2014

How to use correct pointer for find and find_if when dealing with vector

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I have a structure like this:

struct client
string name;
double money;

I also have 2 predicates:

bool less_10(const client& a)
return < 10;

bool not_a(const client& a)
return != 'A';

In my main function I use this to filter out the result stored in vector client_list (everyone with money < 10 (choice 1) or everyone with name not start with A (else))

if (choice_filter == 1)
vector<client>::iterator it3;
it3 = find_if(client_list.begin(), client_list.end(), less_10);
while (it3 != client_list.end())
it3 = find_if(it3 + 1, client_list.end(), less_10);

vector<client>::iterator it4;
it4 = find_if(client_list.begin(), client_list.end(), not_a);

while (it4 != client_list.end())
it4 = find_if(it4 + 1, client_list.end(), not_a);

I notice that if I erase first, then find_if, i'll lost the last client. So i added 1 more line to erase, but the program crashes as iterator is now at the end, cant erase.

Is there any way to get around this? I want to keep using find_if with predicates as well as while loop like above as they are required.

asked 44 secs ago

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