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I have a system of differential equations that I'm trying to graph, which have logistic growth and should be leveling out around their respective carrying capacities. However, they're going off to infinity for some indiscernible reason.
My code is:
eqn1 = (-(S[t]/K2)T[t] + r2(1 - S[t]/K2)*S[t])
eqn2 = ((S[t]/K2)T[t] + r1(1 - T[t]/K1)*T[t])
K2 = 2.5*10^10
K1 = 10^11
r1 = .001
r2 = .001
solns = NDSolve[{S'[t] == eqn1, T'[t] == eqn2, S[0] == 10000 , T[0] == 10000}, {S, T}, {t, 0, 5000}]
Plot[Evaluate[{S[t], T[t]} /. solns], {t, 0, 100000}, PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue}]
Any insights would be much appreciated.
asked 1 min ago
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