mercredi 5 octobre 2016

IBM Watson Visual Recognition JAVA SDK - How do I update a classifier with a new class?

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Having trouble adding a new class to a classifier, not sure of the method that is needed to do it so I'm calling the request the same way as I created the classifier but It's returning the below error:

SEVERE: POST, status: 400, error: Cannot execute learning task  : this plan instance can have only 1 custom classifier(s), and 1 already exist.

This is my code when I created the new classifier:

File negativeEx = new File(".../");
    File classPositives = new File(".../");

    ClassifierOptions options = new ClassifierOptions.Builder().classifierName(classifier).negativeExamples(negativeEx)
            .addClass("my_new_class", classPositives).build();

    VisualClassifier result;
    result = service.createClassifier(options).execute();


asked 34 secs ago

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IBM Watson Visual Recognition JAVA SDK - How do I update a classifier with a new class?

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