jeudi 29 mai 2014

SEARCHENGINE(ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero)

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I'm working on a search engine in python with sqlite3. When I use e.query ('****') I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<STDIN>", line 1, in <module>
File "", line 225, in query
scores self.getscoredlist = (rows, wordids)
File "", line 211, in getscoredlist
(1.0, self.linktextscore (rows, wordids))
File "", line 291, in linktextscore
normalizedscores = dict ([(u, float (l) / maxscore) for (u, l) in linkscores.items ()])
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero

I think the problem I'm finding is due to the fact that the examples found in the web or in the book have links that do not exist any more .. However I found other pages, and so the crowling and research work. The problem is with the pageRank, I can not print the URLs. what can be the cause?

this is the code:

import urllib2
import nn
from BeautifulSoup import *
from urlparse import urljoin
from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite

mynet = nn.searchnet('nn.db')
ignorewords = set(['the','of','to','and','a','in','is','it'])

class crawler:
# Initialize the crawler with the name of database
def __init__(self, dbname):
self.con = sqlite.connect(dbname)

def __del__(self):

def dbcommit(self):

# Auxilliary function for getting an entry id and adding
# it if it's not present
def getentryid(self, table, field, value, createnew=True):
cur = self.con.execute("select rowid from %s where %s='%s'" % (table, field, value))
res = cur.fetchone()
if res == None:
cur = self.con.execute("insert into %s (%s) values ('%s')" % (table, field, value))
return cur.lastrowid
return res[0]

# Index an individual page
def addtoindex(self, url, soup):
if self.isindexed(url):

print 'Indexing '+url

# Get the individual words
text = self.gettextonly(soup)
words = self.separatewords(text)

# Get the URL id
urlid = self.getentryid('urllist', 'url', url)

# Link each word to this url
for i in range(len(words)):
word = words[i]
if word in ignorewords:
wordid = self.getentryid('wordlist', 'word', word)
self.con.execute("insert into wordlocation(urlid, wordid, location) values (%d, %d, %d)" % (urlid, wordid, i))

# Extract the text from an HTML page (no tags)
def gettextonly(self, soup):
v = soup.string
if v == None:
c = soup.contents
resulttext = ''
for t in c:
subtext = self.gettextonly(t)
resulttext += subtext + '\n'
return resulttext
return v.strip()

# Separate the words by any non-whitespace character
def separatewords(self, text):
splitter = re.compile('\\W*')
return [s.lower() for s in splitter.split(text) if s != '']

# Return true if this url is already indexed
def isindexed(self, url):
u = self.con.execute("select rowid from urllist where url = '%s'" % url).fetchone()
if u != None:
# Check if it has actually been crawled
v = self.con.execute('select * from wordlocation where urlid = %d' % u[0]).fetchone()
if v != None:
return True
return False

# Add a link between two pages
def addlinkref(self, urlFrom, urlTo, linkText):

# Starting with a list of pages, do a breadth
# first search to the given depth, indexing pages
# as we go
def crawl(self, pages, depth=2):
for i in range(depth):
newpages = set()
for page in pages:
c = urllib2.urlopen(page)
print "Could not open %s" % page

soup = BeautifulSoup(
self.addtoindex(page, soup)

links = soup('a')
for link in links:
if ('href' in dict(link.attrs)):
url = urljoin(page, link['href'])

if url.find("'") != -1:

url = url.split('#')[0] # remove location portion

if url[0:4]=='http' and not self.isindexed(url):
linkText = self.gettextonly(link)
pages = newpages

# Create the database tables
def createindextables(self):
self.con.execute('create table urllist(url)')
self.con.execute('create table wordlist(word)')
self.con.execute('create table wordlocation(urlid, wordid, location)')
self.con.execute('create table link(fromid integer, toid integer)')
self.con.execute('create table linkwords(wordid, linkid)')

self.con.execute('create index wordidx on wordlist(word)')
self.con.execute('create index urlidx on urllist(url)')
self.con.execute('create index wordurlidx on wordlocation(wordid)')
self.con.execute('create index urltoidx on link(toid)')
self.con.execute('create index urlfromidx on link(fromid)')

self.dbcommit( )

def calculatepagerank(self, iterations=20):
# clear out the current PageRank tables
self.con.execute('drop table if exists pagerank')
self.con.execute('create table pagerank(urlid primary key, score)')

# initialize every url with a PageRank of 1
self.con.execute('insert into pagerank select rowid, 1.0 from urllist')

for i in range(iterations):
print "Iteration %d" % (i)
for (urlid,) in self.con.execute('select rowid from urllist'):
pr = 0.15

# Loop through all the pages that link to this one
for (linker,) in self.con.execute('select distinct fromid from link where toid=%d' % urlid):
# Get the PageRank of the linker
linkingpr = self.con.execute('select score from pagerank where urlid = %d' % linker).fetchone()[0]
# Get the total number of links from the linker
linkingcount = self.con.execute('select count(*) from link where fromid = %d' % linker).fetchone()[0]
pr += 0.85 * (linkingpr/linkingcount)
self.con.execute('update pagerank set score = %f where urlid = %d' % (pr, urlid))

class searcher:
def __init__(self, dbname):

def __del__(self):

def getmatchrows(self, q):
# Strings to build the query
fieldlist = 'w0.urlid'
tablelist = ''
clauselist = ''
wordids = []

# Split the words by spaces
words = q.split(' ')

# select w0.urlid, w0.location, w1.location from wordlocation w0, wordlocation w1 where w0.wordid = 1 and w0.urlid = w1.urlid and w1.wordid = 2

tablenumber = 0
for word in words:
# Get the word ID
wordrow = self.con.execute("select rowid from wordlist where word = '%s'" % word).fetchone()
if wordrow != None:
wordid = wordrow[0]
if tablenumber > 0:
tablelist += ','
clauselist += ' and '
clauselist += 'w%d.urlid = w%d.urlid and ' % (tablenumber-1, tablenumber)
fieldlist += ', w%d.location' % tablenumber
tablelist += 'wordlocation w%d' % tablenumber
clauselist += 'w%d.wordid = %d' % (tablenumber, wordid)
tablenumber += 1
# Create the query from the separate parts
fullquery = 'select %s from %s where %s' % (fieldlist, tablelist, clauselist)
cur = self.con.execute(fullquery)
rows = [row for row in cur]
return rows, wordids

def getscoredlist(self, rows, wordids):
totalscores = dict([(row[0], 0) for row in rows])

# This is where you'll later put the scoring functions
weights = [
(1.0, self.frequencyscore(rows)),
(1.0, self.locationscore(rows)),
(1.0, self.distancescore(rows)),
(1.0, self.inboundlinkscore(rows)),
(1.0, self.pagerankscore(rows)),
(1.0, self.linktextscore(rows, wordids)),
(2.0, self.nnscore(rows, wordids))

for (weight, scores) in weights:
for url in totalscores:
totalscores[url] += weight * scores[url]
return totalscores

def geturlname(self, id):
return self.con.execute("select url from urllist where rowid = %d" % id).fetchone()[0]

def query(self, q):
rows, wordids = self.getmatchrows(q)
scores = self.getscoredlist(rows, wordids)
rankedscores = sorted([(score, url) for (url, score) in scores.items()], reverse=1)
for (score, urlid) in rankedscores[0:10]:
print '%f\t%s' % (score, self.geturlname(urlid))
#return wordids,[r[1] for r in rankedscores[0:10]]

def normalizescores(self, scores, smallIsBetter=0):
vsmall = 0.00001 # Avoid division by zero errors

if smallIsBetter:
minscore = min(scores.values())
return dict([(u, float(minscore) / max(vsmall, l)) for (u, l) in scores.items()])
maxscore = max(scores.values())
if maxscore == 0:
maxscore = vsmall
return dict([(u, float(c) / maxscore) for (u, c) in scores.items()])

def frequencyscore(self, rows):
counts = dict([(row[0], 0) for row in rows])
for row in rows:
counts[row[0]] += 1
return self.normalizescores(counts)

def locationscore(self, rows):
locations = dict([(row[0], 1000000) for row in rows])
for row in rows:
loc = sum(row[1:])
if loc < locations[row[0]]:
locations[row[0]] = loc
return self.normalizescores(locations, smallIsBetter=1)

def distancescore(self,rows):
# If there's only one word, everyone wins!
if len(rows[0]) <= 2:
return dict([(row[0], 1.0) for row in rows])

# Initialize the dictionary with large values
mindistance = dict([(row[0], 1000000) for row in rows])
for row in rows:
dist = sum([abs(row[i]-row[i-1]) for i in range(2, len(row))])
if dist < mindistance[row[0]]:
mindistance[row[0]] = dist
return self.normalizescores(mindistance, smallIsBetter=1)

def inboundlinkscore(self, rows):
uniqueurls = set([row[0] for row in rows])
inboundcount = dict([(u, self.con.execute('select count(*) from link where toid = %d' % u).fetchone()[0]) for u in uniqueurls])
return self.normalizescores(inboundcount)

def pagerankscore(self, rows):
pageranks = dict([(row[0], self.con.execute('select score from pagerank where urlid = %d' % row[0]).fetchone()[0]) for row in rows])
maxrank = max(pageranks.values())
normalizedscores = dict([(u, float(l)/maxrank) for (u,l) in pageranks.items()])
return normalizedscores

def linktextscore(self, rows, wordids):
linkscores = dict([(row[0], 0) for row in rows])

for wordid in wordids:
cur = self.con.execute('select link.fromid, link.toid from linkwords, link where wordid = %d and linkwords.linkid = link.rowid' % wordid)
for (fromid,toid) in cur:
if toid in linkscores:
pr = self.con.execute('select score from pagerank where urlid = %d' % fromid).fetchone()[0]
linkscores[toid] += pr
maxscore = max(linkscores.values( ))
normalizedscores = dict([(u, float(l)/maxscore) for (u, l) in linkscores.items()])
return normalizedscores

def nnscore(self, rows, wordids):
# Get unique URL IDs as an ordered list
urlids = [urlid for urlid in set([row[0] for row in rows])]
nnres = mynet.getresult(wordids, urlids)
scores = dict([(urlids[i], nnres[i]) for i in range(len(urlids))])
return self.normalizescores(scores)

asked 33 secs ago

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