mardi 27 mai 2014

Xamarin with Visual Studio Online

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I’m new to Xamarin, so I could be missing something obvious. However, I’m running into the following issue:

  1. We are using Visual Studio Online as our source control system.

  2. We create a new Team Project, use ‘Git’ and can ‘Check out’ and ‘Publish’ just fine.

  3. However, the issue so far is with Components. We are using Xamarin.Auth 1.2.2 and when we push to the Visual Studio Repo, its only pushing the /lib folder. It’s pushing the manifest.xml, samples, etc. So, when a different user pulls the repo, they are seeing errors about not being able to retrieve the manifest file (which makes sense, it’s not there). Even when they remove the component and go to the Component Store and re-add it, it still is only including the /lib directory.

  4. We’ve confirmed that we can create a new solution and add the component fine. We created a repo on Github and it pushes the entire contents fine. It seems something is happening when we push it to Visual Studio Online.

My questions:

  1. Has anyone been successfully using Visual Studio Online git repositories with Xamarin?

  2. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


asked 20 secs ago

1 commentaire:

  1. Hello,
    The Article on Xamarin with Visual Studio is Awesome.It Give nice information about the Visual Studio.Thanks for Sharing the information.Xamarin Consultant
