jeudi 2 octobre 2014

change a date value depending on a bool

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What I want

I have a model/store/form combination boiling down to:

Field Name Type UI Control
isAllDay bool Checkbox
startDate date DateField
endDate date DateField
startTime date TimeField
endTime date TimeField

If isAllDay is checked, I set both TimeFields to midnight.

But furthermore, I have to get the endDate field to show one day earlier; because "from Tue to Tue" means "the 24 hours between Tue midnight and Wed midnight" and "from Mon to Fri" means "between Mon midnight and Sat midnight".

So, isAllDay from Tue 09/30/14 to Tue 09/30/14 should be submitted as from 2014-09-30 0:00 to 2014-10-01 0:00.

What I did

I tried to build convert() and serialize() functions into the the model:

dateFormat: 'Y-m-d',
name: 'endDate',
type: 'date'
convert:function(v, rec) {
if(v==true) {
return v;
serialize:function(v, rec) {
if(v==true) {
return v;

The convert function works like a charm; it even seems to work TOO good, the serialize function doesn't work at all.

  • I am sent isAllDay:true, startDate:2014-10-02, endDate:2014-10-03

  • convert makes that isAllDay:true, startDate:2014-10-02, endDate:2014-10-02, which I see in the form

  • I don't change the values in the form

  • the record in the store is updated from the form

  • now the record contains isAllDay:true, startDate:2014-10-02, endDate:2014-10-01!

  • then the store is synced, sending 2014-10-01 to the server

What exactly is going wrong here? Why isn't "serialize" called, but "convert" is, obviously, called twice?

asked 1 min ago



change a date value depending on a bool

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