mercredi 1 octobre 2014

Ember CLI testing complicated model relationships

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As far as I can see, when testing ember-data models in ember CLI, all relationships have to be listed in needs. This is fine if the structure is simple, but in many cases there will be multiple layers.

For example, if models are set up with the following relationships defined:

Model a:
belongsTo: b
belongsTo: c

Model b:
hasMany: a
hasMany: d

Model c:
hasMany: a
belongsTo: e

Model d:
hasMany b

Model e:
hasMany c

Then every unit test for any of these models will require every other model listed in needs, e.g. A test for c:

needs: [
'model:a' // Because c -> a
'model:e' // Because c -> e
'model:b' // Because c -> a -> b
'model:d' // Because c -> a -> b -> d

My actual configuration is a lot more complication with 14 models, and each one indirectly related to all the others.

Is my understanding correct? Is there a more efficient way of doing this?

asked 2 mins ago



Ember CLI testing complicated model relationships

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