mercredi 1 octobre 2014

How make more than 2 stacked transparent pictureedit

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Im making few transparent image using pictureedit, and i want to put it as near as i can. Because some issue pictureedit transparent cannot work on top other pictureedit, so i made it using parent.

For 2nd pictureedit, i can make it close enough like i want it, but when i try put 3rd pictureedit it is a mess. Here is my desain picture:

And here is my code:

pictureEdit10.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
pictureEdit10.Parent = pictureEdit5;
pictureEdit11.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
pictureEdit11.Parent = pictureEdit5;

pictureEdit5 is 1st image, pictureEdit10 is the 2nd, and pictureEdit11 is the 3rd. I try make pictureEdit11 parent to pictureEdit5 / 10, but all is not working like i want it. Here is my image when running:

How i make the 3rd picture like the 2nd picture? Thanks.

asked 53 secs ago

How make more than 2 stacked transparent pictureedit

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