jeudi 26 février 2015

Rails gem for tennis court bookings?

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I would like a page, /bookings to display a table with two columns, headed "Court One" and "Court Two". The table would be each hour from 7am to 10pm that day, and it would be possible to navigate back or forward through days. Clicking on a table cell would book that court for that hour-long timeslot under the currently logged in Devise user. Non logged in users would be redirected to the sign in page.

I understand that I will have to implement some of this functionality myself, but is there a Rails gem that would get me the closest? I feel this is probably a fairly common task.

I have tried bookable, but it seemed like it would take longer to get it to work as described above than to start from scratch.

asked 32 secs ago



Rails gem for tennis court bookings?

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