lundi 13 février 2017

Bindings does not update NSTextField

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I use bindings to NSObjectController within XIB. When I set new content object of NSObjectController the only value which doesn't change is the one that has first responder. If I don't use custom getter/setter even the textfield that has firstResponder (isBeingEdited) changes.

What's wrong with my KVC, KVO?

My custom getter/setter is below pic. PS: I don't want to make window a first responder before I change content object to make it work.

enter image description here

static const CGFloat MMsInOneInch = 25.4;
static const CGFloat inchesInOneMM = 0.0393700787402;
- (void)setPaperWidth:(CGFloat)paperWidth
    [self willChange];
    CGFloat newWidth = paperWidth * [self conversionKoeficientToDefaultUnitType];
    if (!_isChangingPaperSize) {
        if (self.paperSize == PPPaperSizeA4 && fabs(newWidth - widthSizeOfA4) > 0.001) {
            [self setPaperSize:PPPaperSizeCustom];
        if (self.paperSize == PPPaperSizeUSLetter && fabs(newWidth - widthSizeOfUSLetter) > 0.001 ) {
            [self setPaperSize:PPPaperSizeCustom];
    [self willChangeValueForKey:@"paperWidth"];
    _paperWidth = newWidth;
    [self didChangeValueForKey:@"paperWidth"];
    [self didChange];

- (CGFloat)conversionKoeficientToDefaultUnitType
    if ([self defaultUnitType]  == [self unitType]) {
        return 1;
    if ([self defaultUnitType] == PPPrintSettingsUnitTypeMM) {
        return MMsInOneInch;
    if ([self defaultUnitType] == PPPrintSettingsUnitTypeInch) {
        return inchesInOneMM;
    return 1;

- (CGFloat)paperWidth
    return _paperWidth / [self conversionKoeficientToDefaultUnitType];

asked 44 secs ago

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Bindings does not update NSTextField

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