lundi 13 février 2017

Errors on cross-compiling Ubuntu to Centos GLIBCXX

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I've searched for quite a bit without any solutions to this question, so I thought I'd drop it here.

I have source which compiles very well on Ubuntu and I would like to use it on my Centos 7 machine. For the sake of this question, let's assume that compiling the code on Centos is completely out of the question.

Every time that I go to run my application, I get an error saying "'GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by....)". When searching through my Centos', I can see that it only goes to GLIBCXX_3.4.19.

How can I compile my code on Ubuntu using the version that stops at 3.4.19, such that I can easily run it on Centos 7?

asked 34 secs ago

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Errors on cross-compiling Ubuntu to Centos GLIBCXX

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