lundi 13 février 2017

how to get access token from OAuth2.0 server for gdrive OAuth2.0

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I created credential for OAuth2.0. But iam not able to get accesstoken for code is

 public function index()
             return view('');

    public function redirect(Request $request)
            $client = new Google_Client();
            $client->setRedirectUri('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .                                                         '../oauth2callback.php');
           $auth_url = $client->createAuthUrl();
           return redirect('cabinet/drive-redirect');

   public function gdriveredirect(Request $request)
           $client = new Google_Client();
           $access_token = $client->getAccessToken();
           return redirect()->back();

But "$request->input('code')" the quotation code gives undefined code it throws to exception.the When i dd() it the code value is null.

asked 14 secs ago

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how to get access token from OAuth2.0 server for gdrive OAuth2.0

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