lundi 13 février 2017

How to import photo to PDF using ITEXT7 so the image resizes, when zooming in?

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trying to add an image to pdf using ITEX7, I have a image that I want to use as a header. But it does not "re-scale" when I zoom up on it, it stays at its imported render.

How can I import a photo that re-renders when the document is zoomed upon?

I was using a .png but maybe I have to use else-wise?

private static final String LOGO =  "logo.png";

Image logo = new Image((ImageDataFactory.create(LOGO)));


pdf that was created by saving word doc as pdf:

The logo is composed of an image object in word.

the logo.png is the same file as i dragged into word.

asked 12 secs ago

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How to import photo to PDF using ITEXT7 so the image resizes, when zooming in?

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