mardi 7 février 2017

Silverstripe 3 / Tabset / Special Chars / Issue

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I'm extending SiteConfig and create a new Tabset. I can't get it to work properly ; when using special chars in tabnames, the layout is mixed up.

I also tried it with _t('MyClass.MyMainTab','Public') and a german language-yml without success.

How can i use SpecialChars in tab names (Tabset - names)?


    - MyClass


class MyClass extends DataExtension{

    public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields){

        $set = new TabSet(
            'ÖffentlicherBereich',  // PROBLEM !!!!!
                new Tab(
                        new LiteralField('Bla', 'Blabla')
                new Tab(
                        new LiteralField('Blabla', 'Bla')
                new Tab(
                        new LiteralField('Blabla', 'Bla')

        $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main.Main',  $set);

asked 29 secs ago

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Silverstripe 3 / Tabset / Special Chars / Issue

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