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Hi I get the following in my build output even after setting oracle.home as environment variable under Advance system settings.
[INFO] ORACLE SOA MAVEN PLUGIN - COMPILE [INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- [INFO] [INFO] ABOUT TO RUN oracle.soa.scac.ValidateComposite... [INFO] The environment variable/property 'common.components.home' is not set. [INFO] The environment variable/property '' is not set. [INFO] The environment variable/property 'oracle.home' or ' is not set. [INFO] If you want to compile a composite with a component that depends on MDS - like a Human Task or Business Rule - AND you want to use a file based MDS repository, you will need to specify 'oracle.home' AND '' OR update your .adf/META-INF/adf-config.xml to point to your file-based MDS. If you specify oracle.home it must point to the SOA Quickstart or JDeveloper install directory with '/soa' appended to it, unless you update the adf-config.xml to remove the reference to oracle.home. [INFO] compile: Executing: [cmd:[C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_77\bin\java, -|oracle.fabric.common.classlo aderurl.handler|oracle.fabric.common.uddiurl.handler, - Doracle.home=C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home, oracle.soa.scac.ValidateComposite, C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\BPEL_Deploy\CustomerClassMD\SOA//composite.xml, -level=1]] [INFO] Process being executed, waiting for completion
SOA "common.components.home" is not set
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