lundi 13 février 2017

Traverse a JSON tree

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I am trying to display the tree given below in the format. Please find my solution and any changes that can help.

var loc1 = {
  id: 2433,
  name: "Sunnyvale",
  parent: {
    id: 3434,
    name: "California",
    parent: {
      id: 4234,
      name: "US"

var loc2 = {
  id: 2433,
  name: "Beijing",
  parent: {
    id: 3434,
    name: "China"

var result1 = "";
var result2 = "";

function baz(o) {

    for (var i in o) {
    if (typeof(o[i])=="object") {


baz(loc1);    //"US->California->Sunnyvale "
//baz(loc2);    //"China->Beijing"

asked 38 secs ago

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Traverse a JSON tree

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