dimanche 30 mars 2014

C# call by value/ref + extension methods

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public static class RectangleExtension
public static Rectangle Offseted(this Rectangle rect, int x, int y)
rect.X += x;
rect.Y += y;
return rect;


public void foo()
Rectangle rect;

rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 20, 20);
Console.WriteLine("1: " + rect.X + "; " + rect.Y);

rect.Offseted(50, 50);
Console.WriteLine("2: " + rect.X + "; " + rect.Y);

rect = rect.Offseted(50, 50);
Console.WriteLine("3: " + rect.X + "; " + rect.Y);


1: 0; 0

2: 0; 0

3: 50; 50

What I expected:

1: 0; 0

2: 50; 50

why does rect.Offseted(50, 50) not modify the x and y of the rectangle in step 2?

asked 34 secs ago

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