mardi 29 avril 2014

Always(never killed) visible icon over screen in android

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I want create icon over screen that just listen for touch on it (without forced to create useless notification) after 3 days search over web and ask in IRC channels and implement must examples like this: Android app that runs on top of ALL other apps? Creating a system overlay window (always on top)

i found there is a hacky way to do this, but no one know it (except Smart Taskbar developers) i install Smart Taskbar with most source examples and found this examples killed without notification bar , but smart taskbar never killed ,(i found you can't even kill it with regular task killer, like Android Task Manager) , there is just one way to kill this icon , go to settings> apps> select smart taskbar >Force stop can someone help me how can i create an icon that are always visible and never killed over screen

asked 11 secs ago

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