jeudi 26 juin 2014

Upstart - sourcing files causes /proc/self/fd/#: source: not found

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I am trying to start supervisord, using upstart. I am running Django 1.6 and I am trying to get supervisord to run celery, which it does outside of upstart with no issues. The issue is in my upstart script, when I source ether /home/community/.virtualenvs/community/bin/activate or /home/community/ I get these complaints from the log:

root@community:~# tail -f /var/log/test.debug
/proc/self/fd/9: 3: /proc/self/fd/9: source: not found
tail: /var/log/test.debug: file truncated
/proc/self/fd/9: 3: /proc/self/fd/9: source: not found
tail: /var/log/test.debug: file truncated
/proc/self/fd/9: 3: /proc/self/fd/9: source: not found
tail: /var/log/test.debug: file truncated
/proc/self/fd/9: 3: /proc/self/fd/9: source: not found
tail: /var/log/test.debug: file truncated
/proc/self/fd/9: 3: /proc/self/fd/9: source: not found
tail: /var/log/test.debug: file truncated
/proc/self/fd/9: 3: /proc/self/fd/9: source: not found

Here is my upstart script:

start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [06]
env VIRTUALENV=/home/community/.virtualenvs/community

exec >/var/log/test.debug 2>&1
#su -c "source /home/community/.virtualenvs/community/bin/activate" community
exec /home/community/
su -c "/usr/local/bin/supervisord --nodaemon -c /etc/supervisord.conf" community
end script

Here is how I start it:

root@community:/etc/init# start supervisor
supervisor start/running, process 3406
root@community:/etc/init# stop supervisor
stop: Unknown instance:

asked 41 secs ago



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