vendredi 17 octobre 2014

pdo query not running

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i can't seem to figure out why this query isn't running

if ( $productName && $productDescription && $productPrice ) {
// SQL
// UPDATE `prostud_tristurion`.`products` SET `product_title` = 'ajax test', `product_description` = 'Was certainty remaining engrossed applauded sir how discovery.', `product_price` = '524' WHERE `products`.`product_id` = 10;
try {

$query = "update products set product_title = :pName, product_description = :pDescription, product_price = :pPrice, where product_id = :pid";
//prepare query for excecution
$stmt = $con->prepare($query);

//bind the parameters
$stmt->bindParam(':pid', $id);
$stmt->bindParam(':pName', $productName);
$stmt->bindParam(':pDescription', $productDescription);
$stmt->bindParam(':pPrice', $productPrice);
// echo "$productPrice / $productDescription / $productName / $id\n $stmt";
// Execute the query
if ($stmt->execute() ) {
echo "Record was updated.";
} else {
die('Unable to update record.');

}catch(PDOException $exception){ //to handle error
echo "Error: " . $exception->getMessage();


all i get is Unable to update record.

var_dump($_POST); is looking good

asked 49 secs ago

pdo query not running

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