samedi 29 novembre 2014

How to return a substring between two matching substrings in JavaScript?

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I am brand new to programming and just getting started in an online program. The problem I am being presented with is: Return a substring between two matching substrings. The string I'm using is: "Violets are blue, the sky is really blue"

I am trying to produce the substring between the two "blue"s. That is: ", the sky is really "

This was one of my attempts which doesn't work. I was trying to slice it using indexOf() and lastIndexOf().

module.exports.substringBetweenMatches = function(text, searchString) { return text.substring(function indexOf(searchString), function lastIndexOf(searchString); }; module.exports.substringBetweenMatches("Violets are blue, the sky is really blue", "blue");

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

asked 28 secs ago

How to return a substring between two matching substrings in JavaScript?

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