mercredi 21 janvier 2015

'then' function is not never getting called by Mocha for assertion checking

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I have written the following test case in Mocha, where the my code uses Q module.

var expect = require("chai").expect;
var utils = require("../Utils.js");
var utils1 = require("../a.js");
var sinon = require('sinon');
var request = require('requestretry');
var querySys = require('../b.js');
var Q = require("q");

describe("Sample", function () {
var results;
describe("#get()", function () {
before(function (done) {
it("equal", function () {
var deferred = Q.defer();
var responseData = {};
responseData.code = 200; = [{a:1,b:2}];
//querySys1 method uses Q promises. That is how I stubbed the response.
sinon.stub(querySys, 'querySys1').returns(deferred.promise);

//get function internally calls querySys1. Hence I have stubbed that.
results = utils1.get(specification);
results.then(function (data) {
//Here I do see data coming as {in:1, out:1}. But still the test case is passing when compare it with {}.
//Ideally, it should have failed. But it is passing.
after(function (done) {

So, if you see, I am trying to do assertion check in results.then part. I have printed the response, which I am receiving. That is coming as expected. But I am intentionally trying to match with wrong value, but test case is still passing.

asked 21 secs ago

'then' function is not never getting called by Mocha for assertion checking

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