jeudi 1 janvier 2015

Gravity Forms: get and set field types

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I am trying to create a function for Gravity Forms that will allow me to set the field name as a variable for use across all of my forms. For instance, I want to use $firstName rather than $entry['1.3']. I have multiple forms where the entry IDs may not always match each other, and I'd rather have a way to deploy these functions more globally rather than on a form-by-form basis.

This is part of the function I have in place (it is part of a larger class called MBFormData, I'm not including all of the code here to save space):

function loadForm(&$form) {
foreach ($form['fields'] as &$field) {
$id = $field['id'];
case 'name':
// only pick up the first name field (assume later ones are additional info)
if (empty($this->firstName) && empty($this->lastName)) {
$this->namePrefix = rgpost("input_{$id}_2");
$this->firstName = rgpost("input_{$id}_3");
$this->lastName = rgpost("input_{$id}_6");
case 'email':
// only pick up the first email address field (assume later ones are additional info)
if (empty($this->email))
$this->email = rgpost("input_{$id}");
case 'creditcard':
$this->isCcHiddenFlag = GFFormsModel::is_field_hidden($form, $field, RGForms::post('gform_field_values'));
$this->ccField =& $field;
$this->ccName = rgpost("input_{$id}_5");
$this->ccNumber = self::cleanCcNumber(rgpost("input_{$id}_1"));
$ccExp = rgpost("input_{$id}_2");
if (is_array($ccExp))
list($this->ccExpMonth, $this->ccExpYear) = $ccExp;
$this->ccCVN = rgpost("input_{$id}_3");
// check for product field
if (in_array($field['type'], array('option', 'donation', 'product', 'calculation'))) {
$this->amount += self::getProductPrice($form, $field);
$this->hasPurchaseFieldsFlag = true;

I am then calling that function in each of my form-specific functions and trying to add data into an array using this function, like so:

$formData = new MBFormData($data['form']);


However, when I print_r the request, the fields are empty. Note that the code works perfectly when I use $entry['x'] per form for the variables in the array.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Basically, I need a function in place so that I can use something like $firstName and $ccNumber across all of these forms, rather than implementing functions per form using $entry['2'], etc. These forms are used to submit data and take payments via a SOAP API.

Any advice is appreciated.

asked 1 min ago



Gravity Forms: get and set field types

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