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I am using Mahout Naive bayes classification algorithm to classify the input documents to known categories.
I am able to build the model using mahout commands.
- mahout seq2sparse
- mahout split
- mahout trainnb
- mahout testnb
Test results looks good.
Now, I would like to verify my model with real data.
I am trying below command to verify the ouptut:
mahout org.apache.mahout.classifier.Classify \
-m /data/model/ \
--classify /data/input.txt \
--encoding UTF-8 \
--analyzer org.apache.mahout.vectorizer.DefaultAnalyzer \
--defaultCat unknown \
-ng 1 \
-type bayes \
-source hdfs
This command is failing with "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.mahout.classifier.Classify".
I have set the mahout core jar and other mahout jars in the classpath. I am using Mahout 0.9.
How to run the classifier in Mahout 0.9 ?
asked 35 secs ago
Verifying the Model generated by the classifier
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