jeudi 26 février 2015

PHP Fetching encrypted value from addressbar not correct

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Hi I Have a mailer that has a link to my site along that link is an encrypted data the problem is the fetching part if my encrypted data has a "+" sign it is not included on the data that was fetched see here for example of the data


this is the link that has the + sign but from my firebase console enter image description here as you can see the "+" sign is no longer there instead it was changed into a white space. I have read some articles about php's urldencode it says there that all Plus symbols ('+') are decoded to a space character. So I was thinking that it could be related to that.. is there a solution for this?

Here is how I tried fetching it for your reference

if($_GET['s']!='success') {
$ref =htmlspecialchars($_GET['s']);
} else {
$ref = "direct";

also additional Info the encryption was on AES.. Thanks in advance

asked 35 secs ago

PHP Fetching encrypted value from addressbar not correct

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