lundi 13 février 2017

Exporting .ipa file with .p12 signing certificate not working

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Trying to export my app to a .ipa file in xCode 8.2.1 by Product -> Archive -> Export -> Save for iOS App Store Deployment -> [my enrollment team] -> Error:

"Xcode attempted to locate or generate matching signing assets and failed to do so because of the following issues. Permission failure, Your account does not have the permission to create iOS Distribution certificates."

It's true that I don't have the rights to create a certificate, because I only have a "member"-role on the team, but I have the .p12 files from the teamagent in my keychain, as well as a distribution provisionprofile (and also the distribution.cer-file) - so why is xCode trying to create one in the first place??

I'm stuck here, so any advice, debug-ventures, etc. I can try would be very much appreciated.

asked 24 secs ago

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Exporting .ipa file with .p12 signing certificate not working

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