lundi 13 février 2017

How do I preprocess JSON data before loading into Spark dataframe

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I am trying to transform a large directory of JSON files into CSV files. However, before these JSON files can be turned into CSV, or Dataframe, friendly format, I need to transform them and clip them. This is the done by the transform_json function.

Below is a solution that works, but it feels silly and slow because of the back and fourth of the json.loads/json.dumps.

rdd = (spark_context.textFile('*.json')

    .option("header", "true")

I need to put them through the PySpark Dataframe because I don't know all of the columns beforehand, and Spark will handle that for me.

How do I improve this code?

asked 35 secs ago

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How do I preprocess JSON data before loading into Spark dataframe

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