lundi 3 mars 2014

Change key pressed

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Please I want to handle the key pressed and perform another key operation. Example if enter key is pressed then down event occurs. below is my code.

void khook_KeyDown(object sender, KeyboardEventArgs e)
if (!((e.KeyValue > 95 && e.KeyValue < 112) || (e.KeyValue == 144) || (e.KeyValue == 13)))

e.Handled = true;

else if (((e.Handled == false) & (e.KeyValue == 13)))

// change key pressed


void khook_KeyUp(object sender, KeyboardEventArgs e)
if (!((e.KeyValue > 95 && e.KeyValue < 112) || (e.KeyValue == 144) || (e.KeyValue == 13)))
e.Handled = true;

asked 16 secs ago

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