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I'm trying to build an avro schema for the following json:
"my_name_field": "my_name",
"extra_data": {
"my_long_value": 1234567890,
"my_message_string": "Hello World!",
"my_int_value": 777,
"some_new_field": 1
The value for 'id' and 'my_name_field' are known but the fields in 'extra_data' dynamically change and are unknown.
The avro schema I had in mind is:
{"name":"id", "type":"int", "default":0},
{"name":"my_name_field", "type":"string", "default":"NoName"},
{ "name":"extra_data", "type":{"type":"map", "values":["null","int","long","string"]} }
My first idea was to make 'extra_data' a record with a map, but this does not work:
{ "name":"extra_data", "type":{"type":"map", "values":["null","int","long","string"]} }
I get:
AvroTypeException: Expected start-union. Got VALUE_NUMBER_INT
apache gives some nice examples in but none seem to do the job.
This is the unit test I run to check:
public class AvroTest {
public void readRecord() throws IOException {
String event="{\"id\":1234,\"my_name_field\":\"my_name\",\"extra_data\":{\"my_long_value\":1234567890,\"my_message_string\":\"Hello World!\",\"my_int_value\":777,\"some_new_field\":1}}";
SchemaRegistry<Schema> registry = new com.linkedin.camus.schema.MySchemaRegistry();
DecoderFactory decoderFactory = DecoderFactory.get();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
GenericDatumReader<GenericData.Record> reader = new GenericDatumReader<GenericData.Record>();
Schema schema = registry.getLatestSchemaByTopic("record_topic").getSchema();
HashMap hashMap = mapper.readValue(event, HashMap.class);
long now = Long.valueOf(hashMap.get("now").toString())*1000;
GenericData.Record read =, decoderFactory.jsonDecoder(schema, event));
Would appreciate help with this, Thanks.
asked 45 secs ago
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