mardi 1 avril 2014

Dealing with multiple forms of data (dict and dict with lists)

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I have a situation where I can have data in the following form:

data = {
'multiple': True,
'data1': 'some_data',
'repeats': [
{'data1':{'section1': 'some_data', 'section2': 'some_more_data'}}
{'data2':{'section1': 'some_data', 'section2': 'some_more_data'}}

and sometimes I will have this: data = { 'multiple': False, 'data1': 'some_data', 'section1a': 'some_data', 'section2a': 'some_more_data'} }

I need to validate the data in sectionxy. Right now, I have a validate method that accepts data. In it, I am looking at 'multiple'. If it is multiple, I am doing something like this: if multiple: for info in data['repeats']: validate_single(info.values()[0]) else: validate_single(data)

where validate_single looks at the value of section1 and section2

Is there a better approach to this? Is there some sort of way to flatten the first data, or expand the second data that would make more sense than what I am trying?

asked 2 mins ago



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