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I have a system that is causing errors when users use a semicolon in a free format field. I have traced it down to a simple explode statement:
$array = explode( ";", $sql );
Because this line is in a subroutine that is called from all over the system I would like to replace this line with something that will split things properly, without breaking the rest of the system. I thought I was onto a winner with str_getcsv, but that isn't sophisticated enough either. Look at the following example
$sql = "BEGIN;INSERT INTO TABLE_A (a, b, c) VALUES('42', '12', '\'ab\'c; DEF');INSERT INTO TABLE_B (d, e, f) VALUES('42', '43', 'XYZ ;uvw');COMMIT;";
$array = str_getcsv($sql, ";", "'");
foreach( $array as $value ) {
echo $value . "<br><br>";
When I run this is outputs the following:
INSERT INTO TABLE_A (a, b, c) VALUES('42', '12', '\'ab\'c
INSERT INTO TABLE_B (d, e, f) VALUES('42', '43', 'XYZ
So it doesn't notice the semicolons are inside quotes. (As far as I can see the quoted strings from different places in the system are always in single quotes, but it is possible that at times they are double quotes, I am not sure about that.)
Can anyone tell me how to do this? I suspect I can do this with a very complicated regex, but this is over my head.
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