mardi 30 septembre 2014

HAML form wont submit

Vote count:


I'm having trouble with a haml form for stripe. I can't get my submit to function. This is my first time building a from wit haml, any input will help. I'm not even sure if my fields are set up correctly to save into the database.

= form_tag("", method: "POST", id: "payment-form") do
= label_tag :frist_name, "First Name"
= text_field_tag :name => "First Name", :placeholder => "John", :type => "text"
= label_tag :Last_Name, "Last Name"
= text_field_tag :name => "Last Name", :placeholder => "Smith", :type => "text"
= label_tag :Email, "Email"
= text_field_tag :name => "Email", :placeholder => "", :type => "text"
= label_tag :Address1, "Address 1"
= text_field_tag :name => "Address1", :placeholder => "123 Street", :type => "text"
= label_tag :Address2, "Address 2"
= text_field_tag :name => "Address2", :placeholder => "Apartment/Suite", :type => "text"
= label_tag :City, "City"
= text_field_tag :name => "City", :placeholder => "Joplin", :type => "text"
= label_tag :State, "State"
= text_field_tag :name => "State", :placeholder => "Missouri", :type => "text"
= label_tag :ZIP, "ZIP"
= text_field_tag :name => "ZIP", :placeholder => "64804", :type => "text"
= label_tag :Country, 'Country'
= text_field_tag :name => "Country", :placeholder => "USA", :type => "text"
= label_tag :Credit_Card_Number, "Credit Card Number"
= text_field_tag :name => "Credit Card Number", :placeholder => "1234 5678 9055 5555", :type => "text"
= label_tag :Month, "Month"
= select_month nil, {add_month_numbers: true}, {name: nil, id: "card_month", class: 'minilabel', "data-stripe" => 'exp-month'}
= label_tag :Year, "Year"
= select_year nil, {start_year:, end_year:}, {name: nil, id: "card_year", "data-stripe" => 'exp-year'}
= label_tag :Security_Code, 'Security Code'
= text_field_tag :name => "Security Code", :placeholder => "123", :type => "text"
= label_tag :Billing_ZIP, 'Billing ZIP'
= text_field_tag :name => "Billing ZIP", :placeholder => "64804", :type => "text"
/ Form Side
/ Info Side
%img#cards-image{:alt => "", :src => image_path("cards.svg")}/
%h4 $25 Per Month
%h5 21 Supporters
%p I'm in a car with Kevin.
%a.button.button-green{:href => "#"} Pledge
/ row
%submit.button.button-green{type: "submit"} Submit Payment

Thanks in advanced.

asked 2 mins ago

HAML form wont submit

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