lundi 29 septembre 2014

understanding scala : currying

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I recently started learning Scala and came across currying. From an answer in this post, this code snippet

def sum(a: Int)(b: Int) = a + b

expands out to this

def sum(a: Int): Int => Int = b => a + b

Then I saw a snippet from scala-lang, which shows it's possible to write something like this to emulate a while loop

def whileLoop (cond : => Boolean) (body : => Unit) : Unit = {
if (cond) {
whileLoop (cond) (body)

Out of curiosity, I tried to expand this out, and got this

def whileLoop2 (cond : => Boolean) : (Unit => Unit) =
(body : => Unit) =>
if (cond) {
whileLoop2 (cond) (body)

But there seems to be some syntax that I'm missing because I get an error

error: identifier expected but '=>' found.
(body : => Unit) =>

What is the proper way to expand out the emulated while loop?

asked 13 secs ago

understanding scala : currying

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