mardi 30 septembre 2014

VBA Outlook item.find method not working on subject property

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Please see the code below

Dim taskItems As Outlook.items, similarTaskItems As Outlook.items
Dim Item As Variant, similarItem As Variant, finalItem As Variant
Dim int_count As Integer
Dim str_tIsortProp As String
str_tIsortProp = "[CreationTime]"
Set taskItems = olToDoFldr.items

taskItems.Sort str_tIsortProp, OlSortOrder.olAscending

For Each Item In taskItems
Set similarTaskItems = taskItems.Find("[Subject]='" & Item.Subject & "'")

If similarTaskItems.Length > 1 Then
similarTaskItems.Sort str_tIsortProp, OlSortOrder.olAscending
For int_count = similarTaskItems.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
If int_count = 0 Then
Set finalItem = similarTaskItems(int_count)
If Not finalItem Is Nothing Then
finalItem.Body = finalItem.Body & vbCrLf & similarTaskItems(int_count).Body
End If
End If
End If

Next Item

When I run this code the find method is suppose to return at least 1 item but it returns nothing. What am I missing?

asked 38 secs ago

VBA Outlook item.find method not working on subject property

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