dimanche 2 novembre 2014

How to add and remove noise from an image

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I want to add gaussian noise to a 256x256 greyscale image and then remove it. I tried doing using the following code but all I get is an image which has noise alone. Is it possible to completely remove the noise from the image? And if not to what extent can gaussian noise be reduced?

P =0;
Q =0.01;
R = imnoise(L,'gaussian',P,Q);
title('Gaussian Noise');

U = conv2(double(R), ones(3)/9, 'same');
title('Median Filtered Image');

I'm planning to implement addition and removal of Poisson noise and Salt and pepper noise as well. Kindly suggest me if there is a filter to remove these noises too. Please help. Thanks in advance.

asked 36 secs ago

How to add and remove noise from an image

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