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I have a very basic TSR code. What it does is, when i type "D" key, it will print "E" on the screen, nothing else.
What i want to do is : when i press "ESC" button i want to remove my TSR and return to original BIOS routine.
org 100h
equ 060h
EOI equ 020h
Master_8259 equ 020h
call _inst_09
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov bx, [es:09h*4]
mov [stari_int09_off], bx
mov bx, [es:09h*4+2]
mov [stari_int09_seg], bx
mov dx, tastatura
mov [es:09h*4], dx
mov ax, cs
mov [es:09h*4+2], ax
mov ax,3100h
mov dx,500
int 21h
push ax
in al, KBD ; Ucitati scan_code iz I/O registra tastature
mov [kbdata], al
cmp byte[kbdata],20h
je .lup
mov al, EOI ; Kod za End Of Interrupt (EOI)
out Master_8259, al ; Poslati EOI na Master PIC (dozvola novih prekida)
pop ax
mov al,45h
mov ah,0eh
int 10h
mov al, EOI
out Master_8259, al
pop ax
stari_int09_seg: dw 0
stari_int09_off: dw 0
kbdata: db 0
%include "ekran.asm"
I know that i need to uninstall my modified interupt but my program became iresponsive after i did so.
This would be the unnistaling procedure
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov ax, [stari_int09_seg]
mov [es:09h*4+2], ax
mov dx, [stari_int09_off]
mov [es:09h*4], dx
The trick is i dont know where to put it. I tried checking if ESC is pressed and then jump to this procedure but it seems it is not wokring.
Thanks in advance
asked 1 min ago
How to remove TSR(Terminate-Stay-Resident) program from memmory
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