lundi 3 novembre 2014

iOS8 Spritekit lag

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I have the following Problem. I programmed a game with Spritekit for iOS7. When iOS8 came out i updated my iPhone - and since then my game is lagging when:

Example - 1: Picture B is placed in zPosition behind Picture A (Both pictures are loaded a the start of the scene.) When I reach score "50" picture A shoudl fade out and picture B gets visible. This worked absolutely fine with iOS7. In iOS8 there is a little lag for about half a second. The framerate stays on 60fps.

Example -2: When you reach for example score "50" a sprite with a .png should move from the top to the middle. This sprite is also loaded at the start of the scene and as long till score 50 outside of the visible screen. But also here the it lags for around half a second.

Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be?

asked 13 secs ago

iOS8 Spritekit lag

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