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Please help me to convert this Perl code into PHP code.
I have read this topic (, but I can't convert it into PHP.
sub truth_table {
my $s = shift;
my (%seen, @vars);
for ($s =~ /([a-zA-Z_]\w*)/g) {
$seen{$_} //= do { push @vars, $_; 1 };
print "\n", join("\t", @vars, $s), "\n", '-' x 40, "\n";
@vars = map("\$$_", @vars);
$s =~ s/([a-zA-Z_]\w*)/\$$1/g;
$s = "print(".join(',"\t", ', map("($_?'T':'F')", @vars, $s)).",\"\\n\")";
$s = "for my $_ (0, 1) { $s }" for (reverse @vars);
eval $s;
truth_table 'A ^ A_1';
truth_table 'foo & bar | baz';
truth_table 'Jim & (Spock ^ Bones) | Scotty';
Thank you very much !
asked 26 secs ago
Please help me to convert this Perl code into PHP code
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