mercredi 26 novembre 2014

VPS Centos not allowing connection on specific port

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Hello I've a VPS with CentOS 6.5 I'm trying to connect from outside to a specific port (3000) but the connection always times out. On different port the connection is working, like 3306 or 80

I've a service running on 3000 and doing:

curl localhost:3000

I retrieve the page. Doing the same with the ip of the server so:

curl XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:3000

the page still works. When I try to do the same from a different machine outside the server it is not reachable. In the firewall I inserted the proper rules to allow connections, I even tried to disable the firewall (iptables), but I'm still getting this problem.

asked 4 mins ago

VPS Centos not allowing connection on specific port

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