jeudi 5 novembre 2015

xml parsing in golang (i want to access each element in the details individually )

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my xml data dxml := <cm> <id>TASK_DATA_RES</id> <task> <swid>3873-0</swid> <detail> <![CDATA[<execute name="EXECUTE">
<swid>3873</swid> <tskid>MONITOR0</tskid> <file_name>DiskStatusCheck.ps1</file_name> <param>/metricName::metric_3873_48 /metric::DiskStatusCheck /warn::1 /critical::1 /alert::1 /params::E:</param> <timeout></timeout> <user>test\\test</user> <passwd>test</passwd> <path>; <pathtype>local</pathtype> <size>9147</size> <encoded_size>9147</encoded_size> <type>POWERSHELL</type> <outputdir></outputdir> <outputfile></outputfile> <alert>false</alert> <regkeypath></regkeypath> <regkeyval></regkeyval> <process></process> <service></service> <version>5.00</version> <asuser_flag>0</asuser_flag> </execute>]]> </detail> </task> </cm>
type rmsh_rq struct{ ID string xml:"id" Reqid string xml:"reqid" ScriptCmd string xml:"scriptCmd" Shellcmd string xml:"sshellcmd" Params string xml:"params" }

    type detail struct{
        Name string `xml:"detail>name"`
        Swid string `xml:"detail>swid"` 
        Tskid string `xml:"detail>tskid"`
        File string `xml:"detail>file"`
        Param string `xml:"detail>params"`
        User string `xml:"detail>user"`   
        Passwd string `xml:"detail>passwd"`
        Path string `xml:"detail>path"`
        Pathtype string `xml:"detail>pathtype"`
        Size int `xml:"detail>size"`
        Encode string `xml:"detail>encode"`
        Type string `xml:"detail>type"`
        Outputdir string `xml:"detail>outputdir"`
        Outputfile string `xml:"detail>outputfile"`
        Alert string `xml:"detail>alert"`
        Regkeyval string `xml:"detail>regkeyval"`
        Process string `xml:"detail>process"`   
        Service string `xml:"detail>service"`
        Version float64 `xml:"detail>version"`
        Asuser_flag string `xml:"detail>asuser_flag"`

    type task struct{
        Swid string `xml:"swid"`
        Details []detail `xml:"Details>detail"`
    type task_data_res struct{
        ID    string `xml:"id"`
        //Swid  string `xml:"task>swid"`
        Tasks []task `xml:"Tasks>task"` 
    v := task_data_res{}
    err := xml.Unmarshal([]byte(*dxml), &v)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("error: %v", err)
    fmt.Println("ID is ",v.ID)
    for i, e := range v.Tasks{
        log.Printf("[%2d] %#v\n", i, e)

    //fmt.Println(" is",v)  
    fmt.Println("Details swid is",v.SwidD)
    fmt.Println("Details TSKID is",v.Tskid)
    fmt.Println("Details TSKID is",v.File)
    fmt.Println("Details TSKID is",v.Pathtype)
    fmt.Println("Details TSKID is",v.Encode)
    fmt.Println("Details TSKID is",v.Regkeyval)
    fmt.Println("Details TSKID is",v.Asuser_flag)

src\xmlfunc\xmlfunc.go:112: v.SwidD undefined (type task_data_res has no field or method SwidD)
src\xmlfunc\xmlfunc.go:113: v.Tskid undefined (type task_data_res has no field or method Tskid)
src\xmlfunc\xmlfunc.go:114: v.File undefined (type task_data_res has no field or method File)
src\xmlfunc\xmlfunc.go:115: v.Pathtype undefined (type task_data_res has no field or method Pathtype)
src\xmlfunc\xmlfunc.go:116: v.Encode undefined (type task_data_res has no field or method Encode)
src\xmlfunc\xmlfunc.go:117: v.Regkeyval undefined (type task_data_res has no field or method Regkeyval)
src\xmlfunc\xmlfunc.go:118: v.Asuser_flag undefined (type task_data_res has no field or method Asuser_flag)

asked 25 secs ago

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xml parsing in golang (i want to access each element in the details individually )

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