vendredi 19 septembre 2014

How to load data from MySql to MS SQL Server database?

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I have the similar schema in both MySQL and MSSQL Server database. How can I migrate data from MySql to an empty (no data) MSSqlServer database? MSSqlServer DB is empty with just the schema. I could not configure the MySql DB as a linked server (through ODBC) since I don't have DB Admin rights on MSSqlServer. I just have previleges to add data. I explored Sql Server Migration Assistant for MySQL, but I just want to migrate data without touching the schema at the target. I also noticed that there is a SqlBulkCopy class which helps to programatically migrate data in .NET. But I need to write code for each table (there are more than 100 tables and 20 GB of data).

What is the most elegant way to do it?

asked 55 secs ago



How to load data from MySql to MS SQL Server database?

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