lundi 1 septembre 2014

Implementing live video encoding on muptiple VMs on cloud

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I have a video feed coming off a camera. Now I want to encode this video stream into multiple formats so that it can be played on different devices. I want to do the encoding on the cloud. I have a few questions on the implementation:

  1. I understand that stronger the VM better will be the encoding speed. But instead, can I split the live encoding job across multiple small VMs so that I can spin up and shut down the VMs dynamically depending on the need (specifically want to know if it is feasible for for live video).

  2. Also, once i create a particular stream ( say for Android phones ). How will it affect the performance depending on the number of Android users accessing the stream. Is there a need to create multiple streams to satisfy the demand of growing Android users?

  3. To do a small POC, can I use FFMPEG for the job? or what is the best way to implement the POC?

  4. There are a few services online that do the encoding job. , It would be great it if I can know any of these transcoders work.

Any help is much appreciated.

asked 15 secs ago

Implementing live video encoding on muptiple VMs on cloud

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