mardi 31 mars 2015

How to create a product feature using query in cscart

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I need to create a product feature via query. I created a product feature via admin panel, Its working fine. But I need to create a product feature via query.

My query for create product feature :-

$data = array(
'feature_code' => 'Make1',
'company_id' => '0',
'feature_type' => 'M',
'categories_path' => '',
'parent_id' => '',
'display_on_product' => 'N',
'display_on_catalog' => 'N',
'display_on_header' => 'N',
'status' => 'A',
'position' => '0',
'comparison' => 'N')

db_query('INSERT INTO ?:product_features ?m', $data);

$object_id = db_get_field('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()');

$data = array(
'feature_id' => $object_id,
'description' => 'Make1',
'full_description' => 'Make1',
'prefix' => '',
'suffix' => '',
'lang_code' => 'en'

db_query('INSERT INTO ?:product_features_descriptions ?m', $data);

But the fields are insert into table. But I not able to edit the product feature details in cscart. How Can I do. Please help me.

asked 1 min ago

How to create a product feature using query in cscart

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