dimanche 30 novembre 2014

apt-get fails to continue running in a loop after one failed install in bash

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I am trying to create a bash script that will automatically install stuff using apt-get. I am using the following methods for the installation:

Method 1

Install(){ for TempVar in "$1" do eval 'sudo apt-get install '$TempVar done }

Method 2

Install(){ eval 'sudo apt-get install '$TempVar }

for TempVar in "$1" do Install '(insert programs here separated by spaces)' done

In both cases when something failed to install apt-get refused to install anything else. Naturally, apt-get functioned normally in the same script after the for loop ended. I am under the impression that apt-get retains its error status until the loop it was executed in is fully terminated. Is there a way to get around this?

asked 1 min ago

apt-get fails to continue running in a loop after one failed install in bash

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