vendredi 19 septembre 2014

Matlab interp1 plot appears offset from data

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Essentially, I am trying to smooth a contour line from an image segmentation using Matlab's interp1 method. Unfortunately, interp1 is not behaving as I expect, perhaps because I am using it incorrectly. My code for the interpolation follows:

y2 = interp1(x, y, 'nearest');

Then, I attempted to plot the original x value against y2 along with the original function (see attached plot).

plot(Vertices(:,2), y2, 'x');

I thought that the interpolation would smooth the original function - which, to some extent, it does - yet, the interp1 method appears to be offset from the origin and rotated. I would like this result more aligned with the original data. Any guidance would be appreciated.


asked 1 min ago



Matlab interp1 plot appears offset from data

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