vendredi 19 septembre 2014

Mongodb: updating multiple docs w/different values

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My Node/Mongo db has a doc with the following data in a collection called 'prices':

[ { _id: 1, price : 10 }, {_id: 2, price : 15 }, {_id: 3, price : 12 }] and so on.

I now receive an updated doc from a remote site that that looks like this:

[ { _id: 1, price : 12 }, {_id: 3, price : 15 }, { _id: 5, price: 20 } ] (some new some updated).

How can I change my data to

  1. update exiting records

  2. insert the new records.

Thank you in advance.

asked 55 secs ago

Mongodb: updating multiple docs w/different values

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