dimanche 1 mars 2015

Creating a python program that scrapes file from a website

Vote count:


This is what I have so far

import urllib
while currentCount < len(Champions):
urllib.urlretrieve("http://ift.tt/1mIgFmO"+Champions[currentCount]+ "/Recommended/"+Champions[currentCount]+"_lane_scrape.json","C:\Users\Jay\Desktop\LolFlavor\ " +Champions[currentCount]+ "\ "+Champions[currentCount]+ "_lane_scrape.json")

What the program is meant to do is to use the list and the currentCount to get the champion, then it goes to the website e.g for "Aatrox" http://ift.tt/1ArbriB, then it downloads and stores the file in the folder LolFlavor/Aatrox/Aatrox_lane_scrape.json in this case.

The bit which is Aatrox changes depending on the champion. Can anyone help me to get it to work?

asked 41 secs ago

Creating a python program that scrapes file from a website

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