mardi 10 mars 2015

Set Multi-User Field in Sharepoint using Powershell and TaskManager

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Im using the following to set/update a multi user field in Sharepoint using Powershell:

[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldUserValueCollection]$lotsofpeople = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldUserValueCollection
$user1 = $w.EnsureUser("domain\user1");
$user1Value = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldUserValue($w, $user1.Id, $user1.LoginName)
$user2 = $w.EnsureUser("domain\user2");
$user2Value = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldUserValue($w, $user2.Id, $user2.LoginName);
$i["lotsofpeoplefield"] = $lotsofpeople;

This works great in the PS Editor but as soon as I set this up as a repeating task in Win TaskManager, it fails for all items, where SPFieldUserValueCollection contains more than 1 user. Error: "Invalid look-up value. A look-up field contains invalid data. Please check the value and try again."

Any ideas?

asked 1 min ago

Set Multi-User Field in Sharepoint using Powershell and TaskManager

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